Ramblings of an obsessed fashion trend setter

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


This post is dedicated to my obsessions, and I have quite a few.
Last Sunday, my eyes were glued to the T.V. screen watching the Oscars. I literally could not look away. Hugh Jackman was fantastic!!!! The opening sequence blew my mind and Anne Hathaway is such a doll. I love these pictures. My favorite dresses would have to be Anne Hathaway, Natalie Portman, and Sarah Jessica Parker.

pictures from ew.com

and as promised, pictures of Mia Farrow. She was SUCH a hippie and I love it. Her voice is so enchanting I could listen to it all day long. Plus, she was wonderful in Rosemary's baby and she actually creeped me out (I watch a lot of horror movies and this hasn't happened in a while)
Like I said, major hippie. Check out her dancing at 0:31. So grooovy.

two of my obsessions are also being put together into a book and MY PRAYERS HAVE BEEN ANSWERED!
I am majorly obsessed with historical fiction/Jane Austen and Zombies. The book coming out this spring is called Pride and Prejudice and Zombies and in the words of E.W. "I've always said the problem with Jane Austen's novels is that there simply aren't enough zombies. But -- finally! -- that situation has been resolved. On April 1, Quirk Books will publish Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, an updated, and much buzzed-about, version of Austen's classic novel, which injects her tale of mannered aristocratic Brits with great gory gobbets of undead mayhem"
I AM SO FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thank you god.

I am not obsessed with this, but I thought it was hilarious.
And congratulations to Urban Outfitters to being the good luck charm for three of the girls who made it into the American Idol season 9. Their talent had nothing to do with it, it was the dress.


Meghan Corky
Girl whose name I can't pronounce.
It's the SAME DRESS. I'm glad I didn't buy it when I was tempted too. I did try it on though and I'll have to ask my friend to give me the picture she took of my friend and I both trying on that dress. Who knows, maybe if we had bought it and wore it to the American Idol auditions, we could be on T.V. right now sucking it up with the rest of the contestants. They all genuinely suck, really.

Another dress from Urban Outfitters, from the same line.

featured on Casey Carlson, the funniest most painful performer I have ever seen on American Idol.
*every little thing*shimmy shimmy shake *she does is magic* wink yeah!until later

1 comment:

casey said...

I work at Urban Outfitters, and I swear every episode of American Idol I see a trillion things from UO. haha, and then I end up telling every customer who buys the same thing.

Oh, and Mia Farrow? ADORABLE!