Ramblings of an obsessed fashion trend setter

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Vampires and Other Creepy Things I Enjoy

Okay, I am always the first person to admit that Twilight is not a piece of literary genius. It also probably does not give the prepubescent girls who read them any realistic model of a relationship either. I read the first book last year or the year before, before the craze. And after I read it I was like "well that was a load of flaming crap" and threw it away. In my opinion, there is not much difference between Twilight and any other sappy teen book that I frequently read in my younger days. Maybe it was the whole "being a vampire is cool!" vibe was what irked me.

But, the only good thing that came out of Twilight was the movie. That movie is freaking amazing. It was one of the most entertaining movies I had seen in a looong time. The acting was so laughable.

I digress. Recently Teen Vogue did a Twilight prom themed spread and I quite liked it. I've always been drawn to the darker elements of things with movies, books, and fashion alike, so this spread made me slightly reconsider my own prom concept. It also made me realize how completely lame the theme "Save the Last Dance" is for our prom. Even though Twilight is a crap book, I'm thinking vampires would be an awesome theme for prom.

This boy reminds me of Luke Kook. I wouldn't mind taking him to prom.
This pink dress = looooove.

Gah! Boys in leather make me swoon.
photos from teenvogue.com
Now, we move on to the next topic of discussion. I was on fashionindie.com looking for post ideas for this blog and came upon this designer.

Her name is Ann-Sofie Back and I had never heard of her before I spyed her lovely Native American/ Vampire-y fall fashion line. I really do love this line. I'm considering finding a black denim mini skirt to rip and destroy a la the picture on the bottom right. The girl with the tiara on the bottom left also freaks me out, but in a good way of course. I reaaallly like the dream catcher feathers in just about every garment shown and of course just about everything in this collage.
I walk the line of chic and freak. And I like it.
This girl gives a whole new meaning to fierce. She looks like she wants to bite me, while looking fabulous of course.
lovelovelove....These sunglasses are my favorite part. For serious. They are intense! Where can I get them?!


Laura said...

(that was the best part of seeing the movie for me)

Also, I totally thought Luke Kook when I saw that spread in teen vogue, which I loved :)

Anonymous said...

ME TOO! (on the twilight commentary and Luke :))
I lament on our silly prom theme..

Ann-Sofie Back did the most glorious line for topshop...very much the same ilk as to this collection

Sue said...

I'm so obssessed on vampire's or gothic's fashion! When I had turned 18, my birthday theme was UnderWorld.

My long-time boyfriend and I will get married next year. We both love a glam rock theme for our wedding. Our event organizer had started to make plans for the event, and we love his ideas. Last week, me and my mom went to San Diego. Tent rentals there are said to be affordable, that's why we went there. I remember when Mia got married at Sonoma. Canopy rentals are good too.