Ramblings of an obsessed fashion trend setter

Friday, March 13, 2009

Let the Sun Shine.

So life is pretty funny sometimes. When I decided that I had nothing to wear and started pulling random things out of my closet I came upon a part of my old costume for the Music Man. I was in this in the 6th grade and decided to re-try it on. Well, the top was too short, but the skirt was just fine because it had an elastic waistband. I started out with this, but wasn't fully satisfied. So I tried on a few more things.
urban outfitters yellow long sleeve thermal, tube top bought in Galena, Yellow bow belt from the Gap, and Music Man skirt circa 2003

then I put on these leggings. I got them a while back at Express and immediatlely regretted them because they made me look like a superhero. But, I was trying to make the outfit less yellow and add in something else blue to match the trim. I also didn't want to go bare-legged because of stupid Chicago weather. But, I still decided I wasn't satisfied with the outfit.

This variation made me feel like some sort of Victorian sailor, don't ask me why. I didn't like how the dark leggings worked either... so I tried again.

and ended up with the same look I started with. Haha. It really is funny when you try on countless outfits and end up wearing the one you started with.
I usually tend to avoid wearing yellow because I own a yellow car and everyone recognizes me.
Is it cheesy to match your car? haha, you guys get back to me on that one.

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